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Lun-Vie 9:00-18:00

Pregunta por nuestros jabones terapéuticos, y todas nuestras esencias sin compromiso al 638 35 77 53
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Lun-Sáb 9:00-21:00

30 Aniversario del Centro Comercial Martianez


Natural soaps and invigorating aromas allegorising our coasts.

Brumas de Avalon had a very important order last month: the creation of 130 soaps with a marine theme, to be given as gifts to the guests at the gala celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Martiánez Shopping Centre.

This is one of the most special orders we have received and a challenge that we have accepted with great affection and with natural and sustainable elements, true to our philosophy.

The design of this gift, inspired by the nautical theme, is made up of shells and a starfish floating on a translucent seabed of natural soaps and refreshing aromas, in an allegory of our coasts.

This is one of our most special services, where we provide unique designs for special events, working closely with our clients to create a sensory experience that captures the nuances of their idea.

We are delighted that the shopping centre has made a commitment to Canarian craftsmanship and that we have been able to play our part in this important celebration.

You can watch the presentation video on our networks or by clicking on this link.

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